Monday, October 21, 2013

Are there any good flying games for the xbox 360?

Q. I just got xbox live and was wondering if there were any good flying games out there. And are the flight sticks better than the controller. thanks.

A. Il 2 sturmovik
battle stations midway
secret battles over normandy

why wont my xbox 360 continue where i left off on gears of war 2?
Q. i have gears of war 2 data on my memory card, my xbox 360 wont let me continue where i left off .i had rented it before at one place ,an recently rented it again from game fly.what can i do if anything?

A. make sure your save device is set on "memory card", not "hard drive"

Whats the difference between gta san andreas ps2 and xbox 360 version?
Q. and which is better. also can you fly a hydra jet plane in xbox 360 one?

A. Do you mean the original Xbox version? I dont think there is any difference in actual gameplay, though the game was originally released on ps2. Since the 360 is somewhat backwards compatible I think the game can be played on the 360, yes.

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