Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Is there a way that xbox 360 games can be downloaded off the internet onto a flash drive?

Q. Since XBLA has full xbox 360 games available to download, is there a way you can download those same games off the web?

A. I'm not sure about that, but there's a hack that's been around a while that lets you play burned dvd's on your box. The hack could take as long as a week for a noob, and there are multiple areas to mess your console up. If you want an easily hackable system get a wii or nintendo ds. Wii can run linux and a bunch of other badass stuff.

Is it possible to play downloaded xbox 360 games without burning them?
Q. I was wondering if it were possible to play xbox 360 games that I downloaded through my computer. I mean connecting my computer to my xbox 360 through maybe a usb cord and making the xbox 360 act as if it put in the disk of the downloaded file. Thanks in advance.

A. No you can't but you can flash your xbox 360 DVD drive so you can play games off any disk that's what I do

Can i download xbox 360 games and transfer to my xbox 360 to play?
Q. I need to know how to download xbox 360 games, and also how to transfer them to my xbox 360. Maybe i could format my normal pc memory stick to the xbox 360 format or something? Once i transfer my downloaded xbox 360 games, how would i be able to Play them? If this is all possible.

All Answers Are Great. THX Everyone!

A. to answer your question... no.

HOWEVER. You can download xbox 360 games and burn them to a verbatim dvd+-R DL disc, and play it just fine!

With the new update (Fall Update)... you can install games to your hard-drive and they load faster, but you must still have the disc in the drive. So not yet can you play COMPLETELY from your hard-drive!

To the 1st poster.... perhaps you should KNOW something before you go spitting off at the (mouth) fingers!

The best way to download games... private tracker sites. I won't name any, but just do a little bit of research... and you will definitely find your answers! I was a n00b once. Just do your research, you will learn faster that way!

oh and like seth said... you can play on xbox-live, but it takes you making sure your games are patched correctly! a program called mXuXlXlXeXtXeXrX will get the trick done (minus the X's). That will let you know the region, if it's patched and up to date, pretty much everything! minus burn it!

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