Sunday, March 31, 2013

What are some xbox 360 games with good co-op campaigns that i can play splitscreen with my brother?

Q. We're leaving for our first year of college soon (we're twins) but going to different colleges. We are going to rent a game and play through it to spend some time together. What xbox 360 games have good co-op campaigns that aren't too short?

Is there anything besides the halo series and Gears of War series, because i have all of those and we've done them all?

A. 1. Call Of Duty Modern Warefare 2
2. Left For Dead 1 and 2.
3. james bond everything or nothing is ummm its okay not the best.
4. halo 1 is awsome i go back and play that all the time wiht my sibling.

Are there any really good co-op games for Xbox 360 that you can play offline with two controllers?
Q. Hi so my friend Luke and i are really into co-op gaming, but we have been searching for a good one to start ever since we beat resident evil 5. We would really prefer that its a split screen game so that we don't have to buy two copies of the game for each Xbox. So does anyone know of a good game? preferably a mid evil, horror or rpg game. shooters are good to. thanks!

A. For just 2 players you have tons of options.
All 6 of the Halo games.
Gears of War 1-3
Army of Two 1 and 2
Left 4 Dead 1 and 2
all of the Lego games (great for all ages, not just kids)
Portal 2
Call of Duty: World at War

What is the best 2 player offline co op game for Xbox 360?
Q. I'm looking for a good 2 player offline co op game for the Xbox 260 to play with my friend. I was thinking of buying Army of Two: The 40th Day but if there's something better please tell me.

A. My personal favorite is Left 4 Dead. It has a great co-op. Unless you don't like zombies. If that's the case, then I would say that Resident Evil 5 would be good. It was practically made for co-op. Hope this helps!

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