Saturday, April 6, 2013

Looking for the title to a World War 2 xbox 360 game?

Q. I played this game at my Dad's house about 4-5 years ago on the 360, it was a shooter world war 2 game and I can't remember the name for the life of me. I've searched google but nothing seems to come up. It's not the best quality game (it's actually really shitty) and I'm guessing wasn't a popular one. If anyone has any ideas please tell me.

A. There are many games of such type, and a lot of them are "shitty".. it would be very hard to tell without at least a little specific information.
However, if you just want a good WW2 type shooter, Call of Duty: World at War is based on World War 2, older style guns and stuff. It's pretty good. Although, the online part now has very few players, and many hack it and cheat where ether have unlimited heath and unlimited bonus', but as far as 1 player campaign it'd be a good one to try, and it is 4 years old, almost 5..

Should i get the xbox 360 or the ps3 slim?
Q. Also, how long will it be until microsoft comes out with a new xbox, as i dont want to buy one and 6 months later a new one comes out.


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Xbox has internet(web browser)...Its so easy to get so don't worry about that...just like the ps3's. Don't worry about the xbox RROD, the new one's don't have that problem. I got mine last year and hasn't broke down yet.
Xbox is easier to mod, same graphics as ps3, but shading is different. Just play it on 1080p, you'll get the same stuff.

@Liam and Ps3 Fanboys
No offense, but ps3 barely has any good exclusives. You just basically listed all of its mediocre exclusives. They aren't good. Ratchet and Clank, killzone 2, and Resistance 2 are really bad games. Ratchet and Clank is repetitive, the ps2 versions are better, Killzone 2 has no LOCAL MULTIPLAYER...they spent there time on graphics just like Black which sucked, and Resistance 2 is just a bad version of gears which takes place in WW2 and has pretty bad weapons and enemy sprites. MGS4 is the game worth respecting, but The Raiden Version is coming the xbox. Little Big Planet is a ok game but not the best. Xbox on the other hand has a good...When I say good I mean Amazing games. Halo 3, Gears of War 2, and Left 4 Dead have the highest replay value. Trust me dude, you won't get tired of playing those games unline Resistance, which has a bad online multiplayer and MGS4 which only has a good Campaign. Ps3 has mostly single player games, but on the 360 there are more multiplayer games and better online. The best online game for ps3 is Call of Duty 4 which is also available on xbox 360 and has a better online multiplayer. What made me buy a 360 is when they announced that Tekken 6 will be coming onto a 360. All the good Sony Exclusives came/coming onto the xbox like Devil May Cry, Metal Gear Solid and Tekken. Xbox also has more Downloadable Content. Such as more map packs and more game addons.
If you are a Fan of Grand Theft Auto 4, You should definently get xbox since they have a big new story addon called Lost and Damned and Coming out with a new one. Fallout 3 also has more Downloadable Content for Xbox.

Who cares if Ps3 has the wireless adapter pre installed into it. Just use a ethernet cable or a laptop. It'll work..You don't even need live..the games already have such a high replayable value. The Ps3 Slim is ugly and worthless because the backward compatibility and many other features are taken out of it.

Xbox is easier to mod. Who cares about the fact that you have to pay for live. You get 3 months free at first and then you can pay 25 bucks for 3 months or 50 bucks for the whole year. There are also ways to get Online for free.. lol :p. The service for xbox live is better than Playstation Network. We have better arcade games such as trials HD, Shadow Complex, TMNT,and etc.

Xbox's controller is also better and more comfortable for every type of game. It's also fine for fighting games such as Marvel Vs. Capcom 2. I play it with the joystick and do moves just fine. We also have Vibration which Ps3 copied. Only the new Dualshock 3 controllers have vibration.. lol ^.^

You'll find more people having a xbox than a ps3 because its more worldwide. The Live has more people playing and more options. We have netflix and theres a way we can get free movies. You could also stream your photo, movie and music collection through your xbox from your tv, but I think the ps3 can do that too.

We also have something called 1vs. 100 Live Beta. You can search up on it, but the ps3 doesn't have this extremely fun feature. You basically play this trivia game with a million different people and earn prizes from it.

We also have more contests and are sponsored with more contests. Ex: Change your gamer Picture to the Axe Symbol to enter yourself in a contest to win dozens of arcade games. We also have exclusive videos and videos direct from IGN such as IGN Strategize.

Xbox also has Gamerscore or Acheivements to make more replay values. Ps3 Has Trophies which are lame...

Who cares if ps3 has blueray, that doesn't make it a more superior console. We're talking gaming here, not movies.

In Conclusion, I suggest you choose the Xbox 360 because there are more people playing it, more exclusives, better multiplayer, better live, better games(more replay value), easily hackable and fixable, Light, good design, Better controller, vibration, Avatar customization and more!. The ps3 slim is ugly. It's heavy, many features are taken away and has less games. Xbox also has a lot of hack and slash/Adventure games and xbox also has sony's best (devil May Cry 4).

Hope this helped

What XBox 360 Video Game Should I Get?
Q. Some games I really like are:

Far Cry 2
Destroy All Humans Series
Call of Duty 4

Right now I only play Far Cry 2.

I am thinking of getting Destroy all Humans! Path of the Furon and Ace Combat 6 for Christmas.

I heard very good things about Fallout 3 and Dead Space, but Dead Space seems a bit too graphic for me.


A. You should get Call of Duty World at War. It uses the same engine as Cod4 but changes it up for WW2. Its an awesome game and with multiple difficulty levels, an unlockable zombie mini game, hidden death cards, and an addicting online mode to keep you playing for days.

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