Wednesday, April 10, 2013

What are some games for xbox 360 that i can get really easy achievements?

Q. Today i will be renting 2 games for xbox 360, basically im renting 2 games to get my gamerscore up. Besides Avatar, what are some really easy games that you can get almost 1000 gamer points in like less then half an hour? I already know NHL 2K6, NBA 2K6, what are some other games?

A. Grid
Halo 3 is easy 500G by completeing campaign on easy difficulty
madden games
call of duty if your good at it can get you 800G just by beating campaign on normal/veteran
midnight club los angeles
fight night 3 and 4 are too easy
basically any shooter or racing game ull get easy points

How do you fix xbox 360 game with toothpaste?
Q. My brother left his xbox 360 on his side and i accidentally knocked it down and our halo 3 game has a perfect circle cratch on it. I can't find any way to fix it well so can anyone help me?

A. Smear the disc with toothpaste and put it in the xbox so it will smooth the toothpaste out into the scratches when it runs.

What are the exclusively games for Xbox 360 and games for ps3?
Q. I want to know the games only for Xbox 360 and the games for ps3 only. Please make sure your answers are right. I want to know which system has more games. Only exclusive games for ps3 and xbox 360 not games that can be played on both.

A. Off the top of my head XBOX has Halo, Dead Rising and Left 4 Dead. PS3 has Infamous, Resistance, God of War, Buzz, Demon Souls, Heavenly Sword and Killzone 2.

Here is a complete list of XBOX games (including exclusive and non exclusive games)

And here is the list of PS3 games (including exclusive and non exclusive games)

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