Thursday, September 26, 2013

Is it a good idea to buy an Xbox 360 or is it to late?

Q. I was thinking about buy an Xbox 360 because of skyrim and all the other cool games coming out. I want one because can't afford to keep up with the PC upgrades to play the games. But I was thinking have I left my run to late? Or will I get anything couple of years out of it. Personally I want to buy it but I don't want to be wasting my money.

A. You won't be wasting your money that's the best console you can ever own

how do I find out about upcoming games coming to the xbox live marketplace?
Q. Xbox 360 game demos and full games coming to xbox live marketplace where to find out?

A. I would go to to see the list of upcoming games.

What are some good games for Xbox 360 (kinect or not kinect) which a 6 year old is able to play?
Q. I have an Xbox 360 kinect which I just bought and it had two games that came with it. But I have a 6 yer old in the house who loves it! Is there any sort of games that can either be played via sensor or via controller that would also be easy for him to play with? :)

A. These are some great games for Kinect such as:

- Just dance 3/ Dance central 2
- Kinect sports 1 and 2
- Forza Motorsport 4
- Kinect adventures

Best selling games for Xbox Kinect at Discounted price:!11846801%2Cn%3A14220161%2Cn%3A4924903011%2Cp_n_feature_three_browse-bin%3A2055860011&bbn=4924903011&sort=salesrank&keywords=kinect&ie=UTF8&qid=1348120492&rnid=2055857011&tag=adgcl-20

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