Wednesday, May 29, 2013

I want to get Fallout 3 at Gamestop, but don't have money. Will these games have enough trade-in value?

Q. I want to get the $80 Fallout 3 Collector's Edition for Xbox 360 at Gamestop, but don't have any actual money, so I need to trade games in.

Games I am willing to trade:
Gears of War 1 - Xbox 360
Mass Effect - Xbox 360
8 DS Games

All in perfect condition.
Is that enough trade in value to get the game?

A. gears of war: $12-less since the current used price is 34.99
mass effect: $10-less because the current used price is 29.99
DS games--- at least $35 if u have a lot of old games, at least $50 if most of them are new
good luck since gamestop rips you(everybody) off

How much is xbox 360 worth trade-in?
Q. I would like to sell or trade my Xbox 360 (white), it has one controller. It works fine. What can I expect for trade-in value? Just hoping for store credit to get games for the other system I have.

A. TRADE IT IN TODAY. Game Stop is having a deal where if you trade it in, you get about $50. If you have a power up card, you get an extra $50 store credit. That way, you get $100 store credit.

What is the trade-in value for Guitar Hero III and Rock Band combined at Gamestop?
Q. I have both and want to trade them in at Gamestop. I dont care if they rip you off. I just need the trade-in value. Both are the Xbox 360 versions and are just the games. I'm not trading in the instruments.

A. that's easy, give gamestop a call on the phone, and they will have no problem telling you.

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