Thursday, May 30, 2013

Why can't I download rated mature content on my Xbox?

Q. I changed the family settings on my xbox 360 live account to let me play mature rated titles but I still can't download them. Does anyone know why this is? I would think it wouldn't let me download the titles because my regestered age is 14. Still does anyone know why this is? Thanks

A. You've got it, your age on the Xbox Live account is causing the problem; no matter about the family settings, an account under 18 (or an account over 18, but not yet made into an adult account) can't download M-rated or beyond (RP is the only one likely to be found, since no game publisher wants to touch AO games usually) demos or some other content. And no, you can't change the age on an existing account: no option to do so, and changing the email won't do a thing since the age on the Xbox Live account is entered separately from the email. You can make a new account and lie about your age on that one though.

MY young son likes playing the XBOX 360 with me but he is to young to play most games,?
Q. We bought Spider-Man Friend or Foe and we had a blast because spider-man is his favorite and we could play together. This was a great game because everytime he died in the game if would put you right back in without taking you back to a check point. I just want to know if there are any other games out there that are just like this one.

A. Just check the rating on the box of the game before you buy it. E=Everyone, T=Teen, M=Mature, AO=Adults Only. Just play the game first then decide for yourself if it's suitable for him to play. At least your being responcible, compared to those that just buy a game to shut their kid up. Kudos to ya bro!

Best fantasy genre 2 player xbox 360 game?
Q. Hey, I am looking for a really fun fantasy-like game for the xbox 360. I wanted to get darksiders or final fantasy but they are all 1 player. It can be rated E, T, or M. CANNOT be AO, or RP. Thanks!

A. Well, your best bet would have to be Fable II
- Its a fantasy game
- has elements of or is a RPG game (Role Playing Game)
- is Rated M by the ESRB
Although, in order to play Co-Op you would need to have Xbox Live and an active profile with a Gold Membership. Also, 2 people cannot play on the same Xbox 360; only through online play.
P.S; If you already own Fable II, Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion (1P) would also be a good buy.
Happy Trails!
XBL Gamertag: Fenderstrat 14

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