Thursday, August 8, 2013

Can I use my Xbox 360 mic on my computer?

Q. I have a wireless controller and the official microsoft receiver for it. When the mic is plugged in, it comes up under the device manager, but can I use it for things outside of a game?
Have that. Now what

A. Yep... but... you need this

Have fun screaming at the insane little 2 year old Korean kids who always beat me in Call of Duty 5!

Why can't i use file share on halo 4?
Q. When i go to file share on halo 4, everything is locked. It says i need an xbox 360 hard drive. I checked to see if i had one and it said that the original 4 gb of storage that came with the xbox was labeled under memory unit. Where do I find the hard drive? What can i do to fix this problem. I also have an 8gb flashdrive/ usb connected to it. And yes, it is formatted. Please help!!!!

A. I am assuming you have an Xbox 360 Slim which came with a Kinect Bar, these consoles DO NOT COME WITH A XBOX 360 HDD. They come with an internal flash memory of 4gb which under any circumstances does NOT count as a Xbox 360 HDD, also the flash drive you plugged in does NOT count as one either. Your flash drive is too slow generally too slow to use for anything even games, I would advise you NOT run ANY games off of it - it will slow down your game, cause lag, console will be under stain and much much more. You must buy an Xbox 360 hard drive to use theater mode or fileshare in any Halo game, I would recommend a higher capacity for pro-gamers lower if your a normal user.

Here is a link for one that is in the high end:

The hard drive bay slot is located on side of the right side of the console (if you have it horizontal and placed the right way). There will be this little latch type thing located all the way at the back where you flip it the other way and pull up to open the cover, once you buy the HDD you slid it in there (make sure it's firmly in the slot!!) and close the cover.

This image is how it looks and where it is:

Authors Note: You seems like a kid so to let you know you CANNOT use a normal laptop 2.5' HDD and slid it in there and try to use it. The Xbox will not recognize it!! Sure you can try to use MSDOS and make it work but that is really complicated and it is not what your question asks. If you wanted to try something like that, have the supplies, and are old enough here is a tutorial:

The video listed above is a bit old, but it may still work - would recommend you to Google it and finding a new one.

Xbox360 Or Playstation 3 which to buy?
Q. This is gonna be my first system Which one is better. I want a system that is fast, easy to use and real hd. I played both systems with my friend and i can't choose one.

A. You gotta weigh the pros and cons of each system. That way its an unbiased approach and fair to both consoles.

PS3 Pros:

-Online is FREE
-It is a Blu ray player and ALL games are on Blu ray
-It has more and better exclusive games that can go up to 1080p
-The graphics are better (True HD 1080p) so long as you have a tv that supports that resolution and an HDMI cable *its so worth getting by the way*
-It has a larger Hard drive which means more games, movies, music, pictures, etc.
-You can browse on the internet (youtube, google, you name it)
-The online community has less annoying little kids and less hackers
-The online community is for an older audience (though it has a younger ones as well, you'll find adolescents, young adults and adults more than younger kids)
-You can do some serious multitasking on this system
-The Slim was designed to be 33% quieter and more efficient than the original PS3 (That pretty much means it won't be as annoying sounding and it won't use as much power which means you'll save money on electric bills)
-The games are made on Blu ray discs (they are EXTREMELY HARD to scratch/ruin, the only way I can think of is by taking something sharp to it yourself and sit there and scratch it up *with effort*)
-There's more but it won't fit

PS3 Cons:

-The online isn't as nice as the 360's as it won't switch hosts if the connection is bad
-It lacks the theatre playback the 360 has
-You can't go on MSN
-It has the Yellow Light of Death (BUT THIS HAPPENS VERY RARELY AND IF IT DOES HAPPEN YOU CAN USUALLY FIX IT BY YOURSELF. YES! BY. YOUR. SELF! So no money goes out the window in having to send it in for repairs)
-Its not a good idea to play normal DVDs that aren't Blu ray because the system has to work harder in order to play them. If your constantly playing them, your just asking for the system to eventually overheat (not to worry because that is already extremely hard to do. Just try to avoid them anyway cuz it will make your system last longer)

Xbox 360 Cons:

-The online is slightly better
-It is a system designed for mainly multiplayer and online gaming
-It has its own exlusives (Halo, Gears of War, Fable, etc)
-It has the cool theatre playback
-You can go on MSN

Xbox 360 Cons:

-The fanboys are ANNOYNIG AS HELL! (seriously, they're the worst kind of fanboy you will ever meet and you'll end up wanting to drop kick them, so don't go there)
-The online is NOT FREE
-It is notorious for breaking down which forces you to send it in for repairs (they designed it that way ON PURPOSE by the way)
-Red Rings of Death (RROD, It usually happens within the first 2 years of owning the system, its rare for it not to. Basically it forces you to send it in for repairs since you can't fix it yourself. And if your not under warranty, you have to pay for it. But besides paying for it, either way you won't be playing it for a while. That just ruins the experience and fun you get from the system in the first place. Not all that worth it)
-It uses Normal DVD ROM disc for its games (they are incredibly easy to scratch/ruin, and they cannot hold as much memory as a Blu ray. I'll put it this way. The game Metal Gear Solid 4 for PS3 was an exclusive to PS3 only simply because of the fact that if they made it for 360, it would have taken 5 full discs just to get the whole game onto there compared to the one Blu ray disc for PS3. Talk about a rip off to 360, its a great game, but its their own fault).
-Your gonna have it spend more time getting repaired than playing it (ok, not literally, but its inevitable that it will be) A good friend of mine had to send his 360 in 6 times in a year once. That's completely unacceptable. He spent so much money having it get fixed compared to buying new games and playing them.
-You cannot browse on the internet
-The 360 has to "upscale" the graphics to make it LOOK like its 1080p. The reality is, it just can't. The reason for it is because even though the system might be capable of it, the DVD ROM dics they use aren't capable of going up to 1080p, they can only go up to 720p. The graphics are good, but not nearly as good as they can be. HD = 720p,True HD = 1080p. Microsoft is essentially tricking you into thinking its really 1080p by having the system upscale the graphics. Its fake and if you did a side by side comparison you would see.

Anyway. The obvious winner is the PS3. When you look at the pros and cons, there's just no argument as to which system is more durable and better overall. The other thing though, are you a hardcore gamer who wants to always play multiplayer? Or are you a more mellow gamer who likes solo gaming with the option of online with friends? Do you want to have to send it in for repairs, or have the option to fix it yourself? Do you want less awesome games or more awesome games?

Hope that helps.

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