Monday, August 26, 2013

What are some cheap online multiplayer XBox 360 Games?

Q. What are some cheap online multiplayer games (Not sports) that can be found for uner $20 on ebay that have a somewhat active community?

A. There are a bunch on the Xbox Live Arcade (XBLA) - and are active - such as:
TMNT Reshelled
Battlefield 1943
You can actually find these games cheaper on ebay by buying the game code, check out this article how.

Also, regular disk games on ebay are very cheap, like Call of Duty 3, or Gears of War. Just have patience when searching ebay, I see a lot of games sell for like $20 + $4 shipping, but I can end up getting them for like $15 or less if you're willing to wait a bit. Just read the descriptions carefully.

Guitar Hero is another great online franchise, and is very cheap since there are SO many of them out there now. GHII I just bought for $5, shipped. GHIII can be found for like $10 shipped, etc..

Would it be possible to buy a Xbox 360 from HongKong and bring it back to australia?
Q. Well, im going hongkong soon. so.. would i be able to buy the xbox 360 and a few games and be able to bring it back to australia to play ? Since it is so cheap in hongkong.

A. You will have to purchase games from hong kong, as you said. Then You may buy more from hong kong off eBay, or any other online retailer. I'm not sure how Xbox Live will work, might have to do research :)

(Do you play Perfect Dark from the arcade)?

What is the difference between an expensive cable modem and a cheap cable modem?
Q. I recently bought an Xbox 360 and I am tired of moving my cable modem between my computer and my xbox. I have an Motorola SB5120 right now. Will I notice any difference in online game play between the modem I have now and a cheap or older model modem? Any recomendations?

A. Install a router then read the link below on how to configure your router to work with the xbox

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