Saturday, June 1, 2013

How can I find a list of Xbox360 games that are co-op online capable?

Q. I'm looking for a list of Xbox 360 games that online capable & you could do two player co-op missions (like PD0), any links or info would be greatly appreciated.

A. i dont think that theres a link to it but if you go to....

you find what ur looking for

What are some of the best offline co-op xbox 360 games?
Q. Me and my girlfriend love to play multiplayer or co-op 360 games but are having some troubles finding decent games after the ones we have already played and beat together. Some examples of those are:
Left 4 Dead and L4D2
Halo 3
Scene It
Tiger 10 (she actually likes golf)

Some we have tried but arent really big fans of:
Kane & Lynch
Army of Two (i know, i know, Its a great game but doesnt work well for us)

Lemme know if you have any suggestions.

A. Call of duty world at war Is co-op, and call of duty modern warfare 2 has a thing called special ops which is practically made for co-op.

What 360 video game would me and my girlfriend enjoy?
Q. My girlfriend, 22, sometimes complains that I play too much Halo 3 and CoD4 and that sometimes she wants to play a video game. But I know all the ones I own aren't really her taste. So I am asking for suggestions of a Xbox 360 video game that she can play that is NOT too complicated to play and that I can also enjoy. If it is co-op then it would be a plus.

I was thinking like a Harry Potter game. Any other suggestions?

A. Most girls like guitar hero you could preorder the new one my girlfriend and i played guitarhero for hours never got boring!

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