Monday, June 17, 2013

How do i play xbox 360 games that I downloaded from torrents onto my computer?

Q. so i downloaded a game through torrents and its a bunch of .rar files. i have winrar but i was wondering how could the game exist through a bunch of .rar files? when i extract them all will i be able to play the game using my pc? is there some kind of software that enables me to play xbox 360 games? what do i need to do?

A. First, you have to have a flashed Xbox 360. If you 360 isn't flashed, I'd suggest either ordering one (I sell them - or going to (link under source) and figuring out how to do it yourself. You're gonna spend roughly the same amount if you don't have all the parts though.

Also, I'd suggest from experience that you watch where your download your games. is a safe site. If the game doesn't have the right stealth packs on it, Microsoft will be able to track it and you'll be banned from Live.

Is there any way you can take your Xbox 360 games and play them on your PC?
Q. I am curious to know if you can play your Xbox 360 games on your PC.

A. Hey. No you cannot and the reason for that is because PC games and Xbox 360 games are formatted completely differently. The most either would do is recognize (if you were to try to put it in) that it is either a PC game or 360 game and would tell you that because of that it cannot play.

It's like putting a 360 game into a PS3. The PS3 would actually tell you that the game inside it was a 360 game and that it would not be able to play it. I know that because a friend of mine actually tried that with his PS3 and 360 games. PC would do the same and it should be vice versa as well.

Hope that helps. Sorry to burst your bubble if you were hoping it could but its the truth.

How do I play Xbox 360 games on my PC?
Q. I just ordered a new PC and I want to know if it's possible to be able to play Xbox 360 games on it , I know I would need a HD DVD drive and my HD 4850 can definitely produce the graphics of the xbox 360 games. Is there like a program that play them because I think I saw a video of people playing xbox 360 games on PC.

A. You cannot play Xbox 360 games on your computer. The game is written for the hardware of the 360, not consumer tech (you're computer is definitely strong enough, but the game is just written in a different language in terms of computing).

You can, however, download Xbox 360 games illegally, burn them, and play them on a hardware/ software modified 360.

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