Monday, June 24, 2013

How can I get my download speeds on Xbox 360 to go quicker?

Q. My Xbox 360 takes forever to download games and game add-ons. I am on possibly the worst internet provider ever (AOL!!) which I can not change from. Is there any way I can make the connection run quicker. I use a ethernet cable not a wireless connector.


A. no you can't do really do anything about it unless you buy a better speed i really think you should go with a different company because don't they do it though like a phone (DSL) or something and not a modem modem connections are faster then DSL and wireless too

Can you install xbox 360 games on a usb stick without mod?
Q. I'd like to download games for the xbox 360, and play them off a usb stick, is this possible? I read somewhere that it's possible when you download the gamer profile that goes with it also. And is it possible to save original games to a usb stick, and then play it without the disc?

A. Not full games but demos u couldnt play it off a USB u would have to move it onto the xbox

Can a modded xbox 360 play original games?
Q. I know that a modded xbox 360 can play downloaded games but can it also play original games, the games that they sell at game stop and stuff. thx
I'm not going to play online anyways.

A. Yeh, it can play original games

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