Friday, June 14, 2013

What is the best Xbox 360 game you have played?

Q. I own Bioshock, Dead Space, and The Orange Box, and they are all great experiences to play. Are there any other games for Xbox 360 hat you have played the you think are fantastic, from a critical standpoint? By the way, I don't want answers like 'Halo 3 ownz lol', because I do not have Xbox Live and that definately isnt a story driven masterpiece. Thanks.

A. For story driven game play there is none better than Fallout 3
Story 1950"s nuke fears come true alternate timeline. Pos-apocolyptic boy grows up in fallout shelter warned against going topside, until father strangly disappears and vault police are after you in case you turn renegade so suddenly you must escape the vault into the feared uptside wasteland in search of your father, you can take multiple choices lead to alternate life paths, For instance you encounter a town of survivors in a town "Megaton" you can be good and obey the laws, try to survive ethically by doing good, and you get good karma, or you can for example kill the town sherrif and anounce yourself the new law. There are beggars outside the cities who ask for water you can give them some and they will bless you, or you can say f off old man and die and he does, your choices not only affect how the story ends but how people react to you. as well as there is a "wolfman Jack" wannabe radio DJ on your portable radio that will inbetween songs talk about the lone wanderer(you) that is a saint or real sob and talk about the things you have done in the game. Lots of exploring, scavenging, for food weapons ammunition there are traders to trade with you can buy schematics for homade weapons like a slingshot that shoots scorpoin taill darts a steam powered gun that shoots railway spikes and will pin a giant mutants head to a wall. endless exploration and side stories and quests. Lots of raider gangs to battle like right out of a Mad Max movie. Plus the little radio you carry is cool in that there's mothing quite like hacking a giant mutant with your homade flaming sword with your Zombie servent fighting at your side to the sound of old 1920's music. I recomend getting the guide with the game because the game is massive with at least 5 add ons out and it;s easy to miss opportunities, like you'd hate to find out that you missed getting a free laser pistol because you were rude to an old lady.

Is there any way to play xbox 360 games on a regular xbox?
Q. I have an xbox with an xecuter modchip installed. I really like my xbox but I can't play any of the really cool new games. Is there some kind of emulator or anything that I could use to let me play xbox 360 games on it?

A. No. The XBOX 1 is not forward compatible. The xbox 360 can play SOME xbox 1 games, but not all.

What are the next big games to look forward to on Xbox 360 & Xbox Live?
Q. Xbox Live has been really dead recently with no new games or demos in several weeks. Are there any cool new arcade games I should be looking forward to being released soon?

What are the next blockbuster Xbox 360 games to look forward to this spring?

A. Homefront, Crysis 2, Dragon Age II, Bulletstorm, Fable 3, Mortal Kombat (In April), Portal 2 (In April)... Hmm what do you mean its been dead, the first 5 games like just recently came out

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